YAY!!!! I am so excited to finally share our secret! It has been the longest month of my life! We are so excited to share this journey with our friends and family! We found out Friday November 3rd, and time has gone so slow when keeping such a big secret! We have been married for 2.5 years, and I told myself and Joseph that I wanted 2 years for us and then after that we could start trying! From the first day of my last period to today I am 10 weeks, but at my Dr appointment he told me that the baby looked pretty small, so he moved me back and said it is most likely from having 3-4 day menstrual cycles. Which of course I wasn't to happy because that is an extra week I get to feel like crap! But it is okay! I will get over it!

I really didn't feel any symptoms until the 6th week. I started getting really tired, and I was very very very emotional. I am pretty sure I cried every single day that week! Lets just say my eyes were very red! I was really lightheaded and dizzy, even though I really was drinking tons of water. I did get a couple headaches, but not to many. I did miss lots of school just because I was tired, and it was getting close to the end of the semester so I didn't really care anymore. I also was loosing my appetite for food!

The 7th week, I definitely started feeling more sick. I could honestly couldn't eat anything. So I was throwing up water most of the time. I was so hungry, but I couldn't really look at food, or even keep food down. I did weigh myself a while back on a scale my parents had, and when I weighed in at the doctors I had lost 7 lbs. But also you can't really trust what at home scales say. But nothing sounded good, talking about food made me sick, looking at it, and even smelling it. So honestly I just starved that entire week, and I am not even kidding.

For week 8, I have just been so tired! This week I have honestly been in bed or on the couch constantly. I started feeling the worst I have felt Sunday night (it is now Thursday) and it continued until Tuesday night. I didn't go to work, I didn't go to school, I honestly just stayed home and watched movies. Which I am not complaining about! I have mostly eaten soup this week, as well as cold cereal. I find it hard to eat solid foods, so that sucks because I honestly just love food. I still am not eating a ton, but I do what I can! I sent Joseph to get me B6 Vitamins on Tuesday night which have made me feel a ton better! My sickness hasn't been as bad, and I just overall feel better! I even cleaned the kitchen today, so if that doesn't tell you that I am feeling better then I don't know what will!

But yes! That is basically it! Next round I am going to keep track of how I am actually feeling, but for now t
his is my first pregnancy update on my blog and I am so excited to document my life and share it with everyone!


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