1. MY HUSBAND. He is the most selfless perseon I know! I am so thankful for him and everything he has done for me! 

2. MY PARENTS. I am so grateful that I was raised by these two amazing humans! I know everyone says that about their parents, but mine are the best!

3. My siblings. Even though most of the time they drive me crazy, I don't know where I would be without them.

4. My grandparents. My parents would be as good as parents if they weren't raised by such amazing people! I love them all!

4. My co-workers. Every day is a great day! Being surrounded by such amazing people every day is truly a blessing!

5. Warm water to bath in and cold water to drink. I hate cold showers, I don't know how some people do it. 

6. My home. Nothing feels better than going to your own home, and winding down! 

7. Food. Mostly the junk food. 

8. A bed that I can fall onto every night. 

9. My sunbeams. I am so grateful to be a sunbeams teacher! Even though it is work, I adore my kids! I love them so much!

11. Makeup. Even though it is not necessary, I am still grateful for it. It makes me feel better about myself. So haters back off.

12. Contacts and glasses. I would not be able to see at all if I didn't have them!

13. My car. If I didn't have a car, I would seriously just sit home and rot.

14. The gospel of course!!!

15. Technology/Social media. Because I am an addict.

16.  I am grateful to live in the States!

17.  For shoes. I watched a family walk out of a clothing donation store today. A mom and her two daughters. They sat on the side walk while the mom put some shoes on her daughter. It made me realize how grateful I am to have shoes on my feet!

18. Friends. All 4 of them!

19. Leggings. I hate wearing pants. My goal is to own enough leggings for every day of the month. That way I never have to wear pants!

20. Both of my jobs! Working at the store and the pool is the best! I have made so many friends, and I am grateful for every single one of them!

21. My Pets. I am seriously an animal lover!

22. ICE. I refuse to drink warm water. First world problems.

23. The outdoors! Even though I wimp out a lot, I am grateful that I can go outside and enjoy the country I live in.

24. Not knowing what is is like to be hungry. I am soooo thankful that I have never had to go a day without being fed. I am grateful that there has always been food on the table for me!




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