The Story Of Us

I seriously don't even know where to begin except the very beginning!! So grab your popcorn and candy, because this is going to be a long one!  I really hope it doesn't turn out cheesy, but it is how it happened!

THE FIRST LOOK: I don't even recall this, but it happened on January 25, 2013. The only reason I know this is because Joseph told me! He is seriously so good at remembering things.  So it took place at a fire side and the Helper Stake Center.  I was sitting on the long pews with all my friends, and Joseph, aka Elder Adams, Was sitting on the back row! That's right! He was a LDS Missionary serving in MY STAKE! Anyways, he said that when he saw me his exact thoughts were, "THAT IS THE HOTTEST GIRL I HAVE EVER SEEN!" I never recall looking at him, but at the time I was only 15!

I do not recall what Sunday it was, but we were in sacrament, and low and behold who is sitting across from me, the Elders! I still didn't know these Elders, but this Elder Adams got up and sang for a musical number, and honestly.  I have never in my entire life heard a such a beautiful voice in my life. I vividly remember my mom turning to me and she gave me that look, you know the look moms give when they are impressed by someone!

In the meantime between all of this, Elder Adams didn't even know my name, in fact, he didn't even know my family! All he knew was that I was in the Westwood Ward, so of course, he called me Westwood. I will tell you a couple side stories that we just find so funny!  (Keep in mine this is what Joseph has told me) Elder Adams took his ipod on this mission, which is like totally against the rules, but it wasn't working one day, and so him and his companion were like "Say a prayer" so Elder Adams starts to pray, and in his prayer he says, "If I am suppose to marry Westwood, please turn my ipod back on." and RIGHT after they said amen, it turned on!!! The second story Elder Adams said that he had a bag of M&M's, and told his companion that if he got three orange ( his FAVORITE color) ones in his next handful we were meant to be together, and he did!!! I just think that is so funny that he knew he had to get to know me by messing around! I guess it really is the little things that matter!

A few months past and my brother left for his mission to Fresno California, and my grandpa was the Ward Mission Leader. So while my grandpa was always with the missionaries, and they lived next door, I am sure that you can guess what is coming next! My mom had always had the missionaries over for dinner, or just to hangout, mostly because we think it made her feel better knowing she was taking care of someone else's missionaries, just as she would like someone to be taking care of hers! So, the first missionaries my family had over, Was Elder Adams, and Elder Haralson! Well I answered the door when they got there, and Joseph said that he had no idea it was my house! I don't recall this either, but he said he was so nervous that when he went to go shake my hand he missed my hand! I'm pretty sure he is still embarrassed about it!

THE FIRST LETTER: I just find it so funny, because I this whole time I wasn't even attracted to him in anyway! To me he was just a missionary! So after a few months he was transferred to Richfield Ut. Elder Adams and my mom had gotten super close, and would always email and text!  One day, I was writing my brother and a few of his friends that were on missions, and my mom walked in and told me I should write Elder Adams! So I didn't even think anything of it, and I did! During all this, I didn't know that Elder Adams was thinking about writing me! He told me that he and written me a letter, and didn't feel right about it so he crumbled it up and threw it away.  So he tried again a week later, and did the same.  He told me that he prayed about it was told Heavenly Father that if we were suppose to get to know each other to have me write him first.  Three days later, he received my first letter to him!! Which was July 27, 2013.  The Lord works in mysterious ways!

We were always writing letters to each other, and exchanging emails every p-day! In our letters, we told each other about ourselves, and just really got to know what each other! Getting new letters in the mail was so excited! I don't know about him, but it gave me so many butterflies!  Slowly I felt myself falling for him, FOR A MISSIONARY! (BTW LDS Missionaries aren't aloud to communicate with people of the opposite sex within mission boundaries, and we knew that! We are rule breakers!) Like one day, my best friend in the entire world had a drill team competition in Richfield, and my mom and I decided that we would go up and watch her, and then meet up with Elder Adams and Elder Miller (Josephs best friend in the entire world! They didn't serve together but took exchanges as often as possible, and is now Josephs cousin! Joseph set up his cousin Jessica with Elder Miller and now they are related! )for Ice Cream! We thought that we were pretty smart, so we made the ride down to Richfield!

Josephs last transfer was Castle Dale Ut, which is only 30 minutes away from me! They would always make trips down to Price on P-Day to do their "shopping" and to come say hi, by washing their car at our house! Our emails and letters were going awesome, and Elder Adams had decided that when he was done with his mission he was going to come back to Utah, go to school, and of course...DATE ME! A few weeks or so before Elder Adams last day as a missionary, The Mission President found out we had been writing to each other.  We were told to stop exchanging emails and letters, which really sucked.  I only say him once after that as Elder Adams. The funny thing is, that a week before he was done, he went and bought a cheap cell phone from Wal-Mart! He texted me one day when I was at work. (He didn't care about the rules anymore, what were they going to do, send him home?!) and seriously when I got that text, my heart absolutely dropped! Fast forward a week later, it was his last day!  I was working, and he came to tell me goodbye... in person!!! We talked out in the parking lot for maybe like 5 minutes, give or take! He gave me a present and a letter, and then gave me a hug! Also, guess what he told me! I LOVE YOU! I didn't know what to say, so I said it back! (Joseph also told me that he wanted to kiss me so bad, but didn't because his companion was right there, but he did inform me that he give me little kiss on my neck, but my hair was in the way so I didn't even know!) Elder Adams was headed home back to Missouri!

The next couple of weeks we had phone call and skype dates, where we seriously talked for hours! Joseph created a pinterest, so we would sit and look up stuff and tell each other what we found! Just random little things like that! We were always texting, and whatever kids now days do!  My parents informed me that we were taking a family vacation that summer to MISSOURI! We had planned to go see him and his family! So we made the 19 hour drive, which was so long, but seriously I could not wait! When we got to his street, we were all laughing because he was just waiting outside! Hugging him felt so good!

THE FIRST KISS: Joseph planned our first date for the next day, which was June 11, 2014.  We drove to a little park called Ritter Springs! It was so pretty and green! Here in Utah its just dirt! We just talked and walked around, and it was nice because we had the whole park to ourselves! We walked out on the dock, and hung our feet in the water.  As we were standing up to leave, HE KISSED ME! It's always weird getting use to kissing a new face, so at first I was unsure I really liked him.  (BUT....he is a good kisser ;) ) After, we just ran around and played with all the geese that were sitting there! That was seriously such a fun week! We spend a day at grandpas lake, and then took a trip down to Arkansas to see Elder Miller (Riley) and his family! (My mom and Riley's mom became pretty good friends) Also we went to Branson Missouri for a night, it was fun! We stayed in a cute little hotel, and went to shows, and also played mini golf!  Saying goodbye was seriously so hard and sad! But in the end it was totally worth it!

Joseph moved back to Utah that summer! My mom had found him a job working construction, and a house ( which was my grandparents house next door.  They went on a vacation all summer so they let his live with them) right next door to my house! Seriously we were together 24/7. When we weren't together we were constantly texting! Eventually Joseph moved in with a couple other guys that he knew into a duplex! He was about there for 4 months while he went to that semester of school.

SHE SAID YES: Joseph had a ring for me since he got home from his mission. Did I mention that HE MADE IT! With his own two hands! How special is that! but he proposed to me March 3, 2015! Still a senior in high school and engaged.  It is so annoying how everyone is like you are so young, and you are still in high school, but I wouldn't change my decision for the world. I didn't care about what others thought about it, just as long as we were happy that's all that matters.  So if you are in love, don't let anyone else have a say in your relationship!

THE BIG DAY! Joseph and I were married in the Manti Utah Temple, on June 11, 2015! Seriously, the temple is such a blessing.  Being sealed by the Power of Priesthood is the most amazing and spiritual feeling ever! He made me feel so special, and loved! I'm very grateful for everyone who showed up, and for all the love and support from our friends and family! We seriously couldn't have made this day possible with out every single one of them!

Now we have been married over a year! It is so crazy to think that for that long, I have never gone to bed alone! Joseph is my best friend, and I am so lucky to have him in my life! I am so grateful for his patience, selflessness, love, kindness, and most importantly his testimony! I am not very open about spiritual things, I like to keep all thoughts like that to myself, but he has made my testimony grow more than he knows.  So Joseph, if you ever read this, I just want to thank you so much for everything you have done for me, and for making myself a better person!

Well I hope this story didn't bore you! My most frequently asked question is how did you two meet, so why not share our story! I hope you enjoyed it!!!


  1. Bailee. I love this! I'm so excited to read your blog!

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