The Most Important Lesson My Mom Ever Taught Me.

Okay, honestly if I ever had to choose one life lesson that I have been told during my 19 years of life, this would be it. This is going to be so short, but that is okay!  I have a horrible memory, and I honestly couldn't even tell you everything I did yesterday. No joke, but I distinctly remember this day!

It was seriously like forever ago. Not really, like 3 years ago maybe. My mom took me up north to do prom dress shopping, and it was my first prom! We had gone to every single store, and we just didn't find the right one. It took all day long, and when I say all day long, I really mean it! We were just getting frustrated, and I was super annoyed.  All I really wanted was a pretty sleeveless dress, because I think they are prettier if they don't have sleeves. It is honestly so hard to find modest clothing now days! (Which by the way, I bought the ugliest dress in the whole world. Honestly that dress was my biggest mistake. It should be burned.) Anyways, I remember telling my mom, "Sometimes I just wish I wasn't Mormon." Saying this because I didn't want to have a prom dress with sleeves.  Her response, is what made me change my point of view on everything. She told me, "but think of how much harder your life would be if you weren't Mormon." WHICH IS SO TRUE!

 There are so many great blessings that come with being a member of the church! I am so grateful for being raised in the church, and having the knowledge that others don't.  I am so grateful that I don't ever have to feel alone, lost, or afraid! I can't imagine going through life without the gospel. I feel so sorry for anyone who doesn't have gospel in their life. If you aren't Mormon and you happen to be reading this, you should look into it! I promise you that you will find comfort! THE CHURCH IS TRUE!

p.s. Thanks mommy.
p.s.s You didn't know this, but I'm also sorry for that one day like 8 years ago you told me I couldn't wear a tank top and that I had to go put something over it. So I put a cardigan on, but as I was walking off, I shoved it in the mail box.


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