Long story short, I'm weird. And there are probably a lot of things you don't know or wouldn't assume about me. So here are 50 random facts about me! Everyone can enjoy this almost 4 year old picture. Also side note, I think I am going to go back to my natural hair color. Or maybe even darker. I'm so sick of my blonde. 1. I HATE corn tortillas. 2. I pronounce crayons as "crans". 3. I also pronounce avocados as "al-vocados". 4. I am 5'10. 5. I hate exercising, but if I had to choose a way to work out, it would be lap swimming. 6. I am allergic to animals that shed. 7. I use to collect polished rocks. 8. I have to have airflow at night, or I feel like I am going to have heat stroke. 9. My shoe size is a 9/9.5. 10. I drive a 2014 Jeep Cherokee. 11. Blush pink is my absolute favorite color. 12. Dr. Pepper is my go to, but Mountain Dew is my runner up. 13. I love popping my toes! 14. I'm not OC...