Hello! I haven't done any postpartum updates or anything like that since having Weston, but I thought it would be so fun to share with everyone what a typical day in the life of a new mom is like! Weston is almost 3 months old which is crazy! He sure does keep me busy and I am loving every second of it!

1:28 AM
This is what time our morning started today! We do co-sleep, which there is lots of controversy about, but it has worked so well for us and I am so glad we have done it! I am getting a full nights sleep, and I love it!

3:39 AM
I woke up  Westons next feeding. He doesn't eat a ton, so he does wake up more frequently during the night, but honestly I don't mind because I feed him laying down. Which, I guess he doesn't really wake up. He just starts moving around so I feed him before he actually opens his eyes and cries.

He did feed again, but I forgot to see what time it was! I think it was 6 something

8:49 AM
Good morning! Or so I thought! We woke up and I feed him and he fell back asleep! Once I am up, I just lay there and cuddle him! This is the time I check my phone. He woke up at 9:05 for good! I normally sleep in until he wakes up just so I can get some extra sleep!

I am so sad about these pajamas! They are a size 3 mo, and they are getting to small for him! He is pretty small weight wise, but he is super tall so they are only going to fit him for like another week or so! But they have monsters on them and I thought they would go so perfect for Halloween! But once he is up, we just lay around and play! It is like his favorite time! He doesn't use the bathroom at night, which is so nice! He usually goes about 15 or 20 minutes after waking up. So once I change is diaper is when I get him dressed for the day. These pants are my favorite pants he has! They are from Carter's. 

After we play around, I finally sit him up just on my pillows so I can clean up the room. He loves watching me, and he is really good just to sit there and watch! Today I put away 2 loads of laundry, made the bed, and just picked up all the random stuff that needed to be put away. And usually I just clean up until he starts to get fussy. He usually takes a nap within an hour after waking up, and it is usually a short cat nap. So I feed him, and laid him down for his morning snooze.

Just wanted to show everyone how messy my house is! I normally am pretty good at keeping my house clean, but the past few days I have just let me house go! But don't worry, I did pick it up... a little!

Well, I tried to lay him down in his crib and he woke up! This is one of my favorite swaddles! It is from the company Aden and Anais. I couldn't find the exact one on their website, but I did find it in a pack on Amazon!

I fed him again and laid him down in my bed in hopes that he would fall asleep, but he wouldn't! But I was ready to get ready for the day, so I put him in his rocker and let him just sit in there while I got ready.

I keep my makeup super simple. It takes on average 5-10 minutes to do. But I do make it a goal of mine to get ready everyday, even if it is just a little bit. And typically I take my hair out of the bun that it was in during the night, and throw it back up in a bun again. I usually don't wear it down unless I have plans to do something that day, but that is rare! I am very much a home body!

I got done getting ready and he finally fell asleep! This is like crunch time! His morning nap is super short, and so this is the time where I do anything that requires two hands! I loaded the dishwasher, and washed a few pans. Then I did put in one load of laundry. I picked up my kitchen and living room, sort of! And then he woke up!

But before I got him, I quickly made myself breakfast! Normally I try to eat eggs and toast for breakfast, but sometimes a sandwich will do! I also at a string cheese and some cheez its! I have the worst diet ever! 

I do breastfeed! We tried out formula for the first time last week, and it was okay! Not his favorite though! I put on Netflix and right now I am watching Grey's Anatomy, for the 5th time! I just love it! And I don't know if I will ever get tired of it! But while I feed him we just smile at each other and it is my most favorite thing!

And once he is done eating, I just set him on my legs and we play! He loves sitting up! He hardly will ever lay down. He thinks he is a big boy or something! He also loves smiling! He smiles all day, except for when he sees the camera! He will just stare at it, and it is so hard to catch a smile! 

But we changed another diaper and played with his toy. The past 4 days we have been practicing grabbing things! He has gotten so good and almost has it down! He really likes reaching for my popsocket on the back of my phone! It is like his favorite toy ever! 

Joseph did come home for lunch, but I didn't take any pictures. We ate some Tyson Chicken Strips, but ehh. They were okay. Definitely not my favorite! We sat on the couch and watched an episode of The Walking Dead, and then he went back to work. Weston ate again, then fell asleep at 1:20 and slept for a good hour. Usually he will take a good 2.5 or 3 hour nap, but I woke him up (accidentally) to go over to my grandmas to visit. I feel like I am over there all the time! Everyone else is at work and school, so we just hang out! Sit around and talk and watch a show. It is like my favorite time and she is my best friend!

And it is on SALE!!!

He hates his carseat, but we didn't cry this time! We were there for quite awhile. She only lives across town, right next door to my parents. So my brother and sister were over there for awhile also! I forgot to take pictures there, but Weston ate I think 3 times while we were there, had 2 diaper changes, and took a good nap! 

I got home a little after 6. And of course I had to grab a Dr. Pepper! It is such a bad habit, but I need one like everyday! I do drink water throughout the day, but a Dr. Pepper just hits the right spot! But I figured out what we were going to have for dinner. Our fridge is an actual mess, and it is kind of embarrassing! Like, I can never keep it organized! I also feel like it just contains condiments and water bottles that are half empty! Joseph got out of class at 7:45 and I had him run to the store for me to get what I needed for dinner.

While he did that, I got Weston in the bath! I like to bath him at night because it helps calm him down and gets him ready for bed! Joseph got home, and washed Weston while I got dinner in the oven. These are the baby products I have been using for bath time.

We made these Sliders! I just got the recipe from pinterest, and I honestly give it a 9/10! It was so good and I will definitely be making this again! And we just added asparagus to go with it. I love asparagus. It is my favorite vegetable and I could eat it all day long!

We try to quiet down around 9:30. This is the time when I go bath or shower while Joesph plays with Weston. After I got out, I got ready for bed. We read Weston a couple of books. He loves looking at the pictures! I have made it a goal to read books with him at least once a day, but sometimes we do it more. After we read, I changed his diaper and fed him. Then it was lights out!

Thanks for following along our day with us to see what our life is like on a day to day basis! 
Until next time,


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