Long time no talk! Being a mom has been such a dream! I find myself not wanting to do anything else but hold and love my babe! He is already over a month old! It seems like yesterday he was born! I decided that I would share my newborn must haves or really just must haves products for new moms! They are all products that I use everyday!

I always find myself having that mom guilt for not always holding my baby and I know that I shouldn't! For the most part we can get our baby to stay asleep in a rocker, which allows me to get ready, clean the house, and whatever else I need to do with both hands. He has a really hard time staying asleep if he isn't moving, so I have been loving our rocker! We have the 4moms rockaRoo, and it has been amazing! I don't really put him in it just to swing, mostly just for naps. He just really likes being held so he cries every time I try to set him I there just to sit! But as I'm writing this, he has been asleep in there for an hour!

This honestly has to be my favorite product of all time, and it only is like $12 dollars! I use this multiple times a day! After I breastfeed, I pump and so I use it dry all my bottles that I use. It is so much nicer than just throwing bottles into the clean side of the sink, or laying out a towel to set them on. It also allows them to dry completely and doesn't trap moisture inside! Drying Rack in White

This wasn't a super big necessity when he was first born. I used it a few times in the hospital but not as much as I thought I would. The only time I use it is when I am feeding him on the couch, and it has been a lifesaver! Weston was pretty small when he was born, so holding him without assistance while he ate wasn't to bad. But now that he has gotten a few pounds heavier, it really is nice to have a little support when feeding him. I also use it like one of those loungers and just put a blanket over it for him to lay a little inclined and I think he likes it pretty well, when he is in a good mood! I have a Boppy that was previously used, but you can buy them on amazon! But it you don't feel like buying one, a good ol couch pillow works! Boppy Nursing Pillow

I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!! It is seriously so common for babies to be left in hot cars! When we were looking at which car seat to buy, I said multiple times that I would never intentionally leave a baby in a car, but that accidents happen and I wouldn't want to risk it! So we bought the Evenflo Epic 4 Travel System! It has a little thing that you plug into your car, and whenever you turn your car off it plays a little tune reminding you that your baby is in the back seat! I love it, and I highly, HIGHLY recommend investing in one! And it is also nice because the car seat clips right into the stroller which super convient! Whenever we have to get a bigger car seat, I will for sure be buying one with a sensor! It's better to invest a little more rather than lose a child! DON'T BE STUPID AND GET YOURSELF A SENSORSAFE CAR SEAT!!!

First of all, I am the biggest weenie when it comes to pain! I breastfeed bare for like 5 days , and it hurt soooo bad! Like tears were almost rolling. All the nurses told me that I had good anatomy, but it was so painful! They never said anything about him having a bad latch, but whenever he would eat, he would only eat for maybe a few minutes, which was stressful! I had told one nurse that it hurt so bad, that I dreaded the next time feeding him every time! My nips were a little blistered up, and almost to the point of bleeding, which I am sure happens to lots of moms! Turns out she was a lactation consultant and gave me a nipple shield to try out. She told me to use it for a couple days to let my nips heal, but here I am almost 6 weeks postpartum still using it! It made breastfeeding painless! Like, I could sit all day and breastfeed! I tried a week ago to ween off of them to see if we could get a good latch, but he just got super frustrated so I gave up. I know everyone says not to use them for permanent use, but like I don't care! I went out and bought more because they do get lost easily. Cleaning them also is a pain. But he is still getting breastmilk, so it is a must for me! Nipple Shields

Well that's it! Or at least all that's all I can think of at the moment! 
Until next time,


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